در دوره ی آموزشی GitHub Actions شما قادر خواهید بود تا درک عمیقی از مفاهیم، کلیات و نحوه عملکرد GitHub Actions و استفاده از آن در کل فرایند توسعه نرم افزار داشته باشد.
این دوره ترکیبی از مباحث تئوری و عملی می باشد که برای استفاده از GitHub Actions در پروژه های خود دید بهتری را به شما می دهد.
این دوره شامل مباحث زیر می باشد:
1. GitHub Actions Overview
- What is GitHub Actions
- Advantages of GitHub Actions over other CI platforms
- Key functionalities of GitHub Actions
- Actions components: Events, Triggers, Workflows, Actions
- Types of Actions: JavaScript vs Container
- Actions Creation: Monolithic vs Chainable
- Starter workflows
- GitHub Actions Syntax
- Governance of GitHub Actions
- Debug and Troubleshooting
2. Actions CI, CD & Release
- CI Workflows structure
- Matrix build
- CI Workflows examples: Docker, Web Apps, etc.
- CD Workflows structure
- CD Workflows examples: Docker, Azure, AWS, Serverless, ECS, Kubernetes, etc.
- GitHub Actions Environments overview
- Protection Rules and Approvals
- Deployment Logs overview
- GitHub Actions Environments: creation, management, and usage
3. Self-Hosted Runners
- Difference between Hosted runners and Self-hosted runners
- Configure Self-hosted runners
- Runner Groups and why to use them
- Best practices for Self-hosted runners
- Dynamically scale Self-hosted runners
4. Secret Management
- GitHub Actions Secrets Overview
- Type of Secrets: Organization vs Repository vs Environment
- Limitation of GitHub Secrets
- Secrets: creation, management, and usage
- Third party actions for secrets (Azure KeyVault, and more)
5. Advanced GitHub Actions
- API availability
- Passing Parameters to Actions
- Repository Dispatch with custom events
Control the flow of the workflow with Conditionals
هم اکنون می توانید دوره ی آموزش ویدیوئی GitHub Actions را مشاهده کنید: